Among Us is a murder mystery puzzler, where you play as a group to complete basic tasks around a spaceship. None of these tasks are particularly difficult - though card swiping can be frustrating - but they’re hampered by the presence of an ‘Impostor’. There will be between one and three Impostors each game, and a full crew can be up to ten.
Crewmate Tips and Tricks
Complete tasks
Sounds basic, but this is how you win. Don’t focus too much on figuring out the Imposter, make sure you do your job.
Tasks are crucial to victory as a crewmate. The whole crew needs to either complete all of the tasks before the Impostor kills everyone off, or to vote all of the Impostors out.
Don’t complete tasks
Yeah, this contradicts the tip above, but make sure you don’t have a laser focus on the tasks, otherwise you’ll never figure out the Impostor.
Be aware of your sight lines
Most tasks take up the whole screen, leaving you blind, and can take a long time. Be aware not to do these if someone suspicious is around.
Safety in numbers
Traveling with a pair means its much harder for an Impostor to kill you, but you may well be pairing up with an Impostor yourself. Tread carefully.
Let someone see you do a visual task
Most tasks aren’t visual - as in others can’t tell if you’re doing them - but a few are. Scanning in the MedBay, for example. If someone sees you, they know for sure you’re not an Impostor.
Ask questions
Lots of accusations fly in the chat, but watch out that Impostors will often accuse someone innocent. Don’t just follow the first accusation, it could be Impostors trying to thin the herd.
Keep a lookout
Strange behavior doesn’t necessarily an Impostor, but it is definitely worth making a mental note of.
Don’t be afraid to skip a vote if no one has convinced you, the road to winning comes through completing tasks.
Know the map
This is needed to get the fastest route to complete tasks and also to react to sabotage. Luckily, we've got a complete breakdown of tasks on The Skeld, tasks on Mira HQ, and tasks
on Porus.
Impostor Tips and Tricks
There is often limited time to discuss the Impostor after a body is discovered, so try and throw the suspicion elsewhere. Don’t be too obvious (like don’t say you saw them kill when they obviously didn’t), but do try and upset the balance.
Follow an accusation
Occasionally, a crewmate will accuse the wrong person. When this happens, you want to double down on this and get them out. With multi Impostors, you can even team up and accuse.
Watch the Kill counter
You can’t just kill whenever you want, as there’s a cooldown timer. Don’t go in for the kill if it means trailing someone for 15 seconds.
Lock players in, set off faults… anything to delay them completing their tasks.
Set traps
If you sabotage the O2 in The Skeld for example, you know crewmates are going to rush there. But some will ignore the alarm and work on their tasks on the other side, aware that other crew mates will handle it. You can linger away from the sabotage in the hopes that someone unguarded will walk by.
Vent with caution
Vents are a great way to get around, especially if you’ve trapped someone in a room, but if anyone sees you, they know you’re the Impostor.
Try to blend in
Know where tasks take place, and pretend to do them by standing by and waiting. The game even gives you fake ones, so you don’t duplicate anyone else’s tasks.
Don’t be afraid to act odd
Everyone is trying to figure the Impostor out, so everyone is going to wander around a little bit. Don’t be afraid to be a little odd, especially if you’re playing with IRL friends and are having a few games.
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