A guide on how to play as an impostor in Among Us, a game where the innocent crewmates will attempt to identify and expel any impostor they find.

Among Us is a game of deceit, survival, and task completion. The majority of players in a given match will be focused on repairing sections of the map by completing objectives in order to escape. But 1-3 other players will be an impostor, a role that requires the player(s) in question to sabotage and eliminate their crewmates. These impostors look identical to everyone else, so they will need to maintain their cover if they want to win the game.

But these impostors are outnumbered, and if enough of the other crewmates suspect them then the player can be exiled from the group and lose the game. So what can an impostor do to increase their chances of success? What tactics can they use?

Don’t Stand Out In Among Us

An impostor player who stands out is bound to arouse suspicion. So instead of wandering around obviously following potential victims, impostor players are recommended to look like they are completing tasks. Travel to and stand by computers, the engine, etc. Other crewmates will be doing something similar, so it's not like an impostor will be inconvenienced by playing along. But pretending to complete tasks will just make it that much harder for the crewmates to identify the player as an impostor.

Another important aspect of not looking suspicious is to engage in the discussion when a dead body is found. In that short discussion period before the expulsion vote, the impostor needs to act like they are another crewmate who is trying to win the game like everyone else.

While an impostor could lie and blame an innocent crewmate, this is not advised since the crewmates as a whole were likely spread all over the map. This means any crewmate the impostor blames could potentially have an alibi if another crewmate happened to be in the same area as them. Similarly, remaining completely silent is only going to cause nothing but suspicion. This means the impostor’s best discussion tactic is to act clueless. Ask questions, try determining who was where, etc. And when the group thinks they know who the impostor is? Agree with them. Even if it is another impostor. Trying to prove otherwise will only make the other impostor player stand out.

Sabotage And Shut Doors In Among Us

Not looking suspicious is all well and good, but impostors still need to find the opportunity to kill other people. This means prolonging their time on the map so they can’t leave and actively putting up barriers that will enable impostors to kill more easily.

In practice, this means sabotaging whenever possible and shutting doors before killing someone off. These will provide an impostor several opportunities to off one of their targets with a higher chance of not getting caught. Taking out the lights, in particular, can be used to great effect if there only a few players left to eliminate. Similarly, something as simple as shutting the door before killing an opponent will allow an impostor player an additional few seconds to make a speedy escape if they need to.

Avoid Being Seen In Among Us

This should seem obvious, but an impostor needs to avoid being seen when they are skulking around killing people. One way impostor players often get caught is by being witnessed killing. But they are not seen by a nearby player. Instead, they are seen killing on a security camera. It’s a small thing to miss and is easily overlooked, but there are cameras scattered throughout the map. If one is flashing red, that means someone is watching the feed from the security room. So always be sure to check the camera’s status before eliminating another player.

Just as important is to never be seen using the vent system. Ever. Traveling by vent is an impostor-only ability, which means if an impostor player is seen using it then they more or less just gave up their identity. So it is advised impostors avoid using the vents too often—especially toward the beginning of a match when there are more players around.

In fact, some players may only want to use the vents for quick escapes after committing a murder. Getting caught near the body will only seem suspicious after all, so going someplace that is not the scene of the crime seems reasonable. Just be sure to exit into a room where no one is present. Avoid using the vent system to enter a high-traffic or open areas like the café or the administration room. Also, be sure to avoid using the vent system to enter areas that have an active camera in them.

Know The Crewmates In Among Us

While it is true that impostors need to kill nearly all of their compatriots, it may be worthwhile to pick who an impostor wants to avoid killing. A good part of the game is dedicated toward kicking out players, which means impostor players may want to tilt things in their favor by leaving less skilled players alive since they are less likely to determine an impostor’s identity. Beginner players are especially useful in this regard, since their newness to the game means they are not privy to how the game works yet.

So if an impostor player sees someone clearly struggling to make their way around the map, or seems genuinely clueless in their meetings, they may want to let them live for a bit longer. Target the more veteran players first. The rest will be easy pickings later on in the match.

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